Showing posts with label God's love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's love. Show all posts


Best Praise and Worship Song “God’s Love and Essence Has Always Been Selfless”

Best Praise and Worship MusicGod’s Love and Essence Has Always Been Selfless”
God gives His best, His best side He gives.
The best things, very best things, He gives.
Never disclosing or showing His suffering.
God, He endures, waiting in silence.
Not cold or numb, not a sign of weakness.
God’s essence and His love are always selfless.
God gives His best, His best side He gives.
The best things, very best things, He gives.
For all mankind, He suffers; He suffers, bearing quietly.
Quietly He gives, He gives His best.


God's Love Be Extolled Forevermore

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,

  • God's Love Be Extolled Forevermore
  • I
  • What do You ask for
  • as You bear great humiliation?
  • Who do You labor and worry for?
  • Hurrying here and there
  • to carry out God's will,
  • You think only of this work.


God's Love Is Most Real

  • A Hymn of God's Words
  • God's Love Is Most Real
  • I
  • God's conquering work on you,
  • such great salvation it is.
  • Every one of you
  • is full of sin and licentiousness.
  • Now you see God face to face.
  • He chastises and judges.
  • You get His great salvation.
  • You receive His greatest love.
  • All God does is from His love.


What Should I Do After My Husband Has an Affair? (Part 2)

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,
My Husband’s Betrayal Originated From the Evil Trends of Society
Over the days that followed, I often attended meetings with the brothers and sisters, and we would read God’s words, sing hymns and dance in praise of God. Gradually, my oppressive mood became greatly lightened. But every time I thought of how my husband had betrayed me, I still felt a dull throb of pain in my heart. Only later, when I read God’s words, did I understand why my husband had strayed, and I also understood the root cause of my pain.


English Christian Song "God's Love Has Melted My Heart" | The Love of God Never Leaves Us

English Christian Song "God's Love Has Melted My Heart" | The Love of God Never Leaves Us Hearing Your kind call, I return before You. Your words enlighten, I see my corruption. I I’ve often been cold to You, hurt and saddened You, hard-hearted, rebelled, left You alone. Why is Your love for man repaid with pain? I hate my hard heart and my deep corruption. Filthy, unworthy to see You, of Your love. I am such a rebellious person, how could I know Your heart, see Your love? Your love is so real, I owe You so much. You keep me company when I’m chastised. Your heart aches with love when I’m refined. When I’m sad, You’re there. What I lack, You give. Facing Your love, my heart wants to break. Your love has melted my frozen heart, and now I have had a change of heart. II For whom have You become flesh and been so shamed? You suffer man’s rejection, but You have never complained about the desolation of life among man. You came from heaven with no place to rest Your head. You’ve never enjoyed worldly pleasures. You quietly express the truth, just so to save people and to gain their hearts. You keep me company when I’m chastised. Your heart aches with love when I’m refined. When I’m sad, You’re there. What I lack, You give. Facing Your love, my heart wants to break. Your love has melted my frozen heart, and now I have had a change of heart. III How can I keep waiting, keep on delaying? I’ll care for Your will, repay Your love. I’ll accept refinement and endure pain and stand testimony to satisfy You. You awoke my heart to love and live for You. I’ll pursue truth, live by Your word. I wish to love You and follow You, and bear witness for You forever and ever. You keep me company when I’m chastised. Your heart aches with love when I’m refined. When I’m sad, You’re there. What I lack, You give. Facing Your love, my heart wants to break. Your love has melted my frozen heart, and now I have had a change of heart, and now I have had a change of heart. from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs
Recommended:Praise Song Videos:Praising from heart, see Almighty God’s love is so real in the experience


How Do the Wise Virgins Hear the Voice of God and Welcome the Lord?

Bible Verses for Reference:
I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come” (Jhn 16:12-13).
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Mat 5:3).

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