
Oh Almighty God, You Are So Glorious

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,
  • Hymn
  • christian hymns
  • Oh Almighty God, You Are So Glorious
  • I
  • Almighty God, the last Christ,
  • You're the Savior come again.
  • You speak to the people
  • and judge man with the truth. Amen!
  • Your words bear power,
  • cleansing man's corrupt disposition.
  • Your words reveal omnipotence
  • and God's righteousness.
  • God's word judges the old world,
  • judging peoples and nations.
  • God's words achieve all.
  • God's already defeated Satan.
  • Praise You, Almighty God!
  • You are so glorious indeed.
  • All nations and peoples jump
  • for Your miraculous deeds.
  • We all prostrate in worship,
  • praising God's ruling on earth.
  • Truth is revealed to the world.
  • Voices are raised to praise God.
  • Praise God, praise God!
  • Almighty God, You are so glorious.
  • Nations and peoples jump for joy,
  • for Your marvelous wisdom.
  • II
  • God's wise and almighty,
  • using the great red dragon to serve.
  • Satan persecutes wildly.
  • Tribulations make overcomers.
  • People are completed by God,
  • forsaking the dragon.
  • The kingdom of Satan gone.
  • God's kingdom on earth happens.
  • God's great work is completed.
  • To Zion God will return.
  • Humanity has been saved from
  • the darkness of Satan.
  • Each line of God's words bears fruit.
  • God has revealed people's fate.
  • God blesses those with the truth.
  • God punishes those who hate.
  • III
  • Great disasters destroy the world.
  • God's people will remain.
  • All nations come before the throne.
  • God's people sing in praise.
  • Praise God, praise God!
  • Almighty God, You are so glorious.
  • All creations jump for joy,
  • praising the glory of Almighty God.
  • We all prostrate in worship,
  • praising God's ruling on earth.
  • Truth is revealed to the world.
  • Voices are raised to praise God.
  • Praise God, praise God!
  • Almighty God, You are so glorious.
  • Nations and peoples jump for joy,
  • for Your marvelous wisdom.
  • from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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