Showing posts with label Almighty God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Almighty God. Show all posts


Beholding the Appearance of God in His Judgment and Chastisement

Like the hundreds of millions of others who follow the Lord Jesus Christ, we abide by the laws and commandments of the Bible, enjoy the abundant grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and gather together, pray, praise, and serve in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ—and all this we do under the care and protection of the Lord. We are often weak, and we are also often strong.


Social Phenomenon: Are You Still a “Smartphone Zombie”?

By Yang Yang
One day, I read a popular saying online that went something like this, “The farthest place in the world isn’t on the opposite side of the globe, it’s when I’m right in front of you while you play with your phone.” Indeed. No matter if you’re on the subway, on the bus, in a restaurant, on a major street or a little alley, we will always see such people, the “smartphone zombies.” They have a phone, tablet, or some other gadget in their hand as they watch videos, play games, or look at social media, and they are primarily young people.

Welcoming Your Smiling Face Appearing Before Me

  • Hymn
  • Welcoming Your Smiling Face
  • Appearing Before Me
  • I
  • You raised me from the dust
  • and into Your embrace.
  • You woke my heart from
  • the long and dark night's slumber.


Studying Eastern Lightning and Welcoming the Return of the Lord (Part 2)

By Jianchi, Taiwan

Why Has God Become Flesh to Perform His Work in the Last Days?

The brother went on, saying, “So then, why does the Lord have to appear and work in the flesh when He returns in the last days, and not appear and work directly in the resurrected spiritual body? In the Age of Grace, the Lord Jesus performed the work of redemption.


Studying Eastern Lightning and Welcoming the Return of the Lord (Part 1)

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
By Jianchi, Taiwan
I’d believed in the Lord for 28 years as a member of a local church, and because I believed the negative publicity of the church, I almost missed my chance to welcome the return of the Lord Jesus. If it hadn’t been for God’s mercy, then I would have lost my one and only chance to attain true salvation. My experiences brought me to earnestly appreciate that, only by being a wise virgin, taking the initiative to seek the truth and focusing on listening to God’s voice can we welcome the appearance of God.


The Hypocritical CCP Instigates Farcical Demonstration in South Korea

The Hypocritical CCP Instigates Farcical Demonstration in South Korea

Since coming to power, the CCP has never stopped persecuting religious belief. Especially since Xi Jinping has taken office, religious persecution, and in particular, the suppression of Christianity, has escalated to new heights today. The unscrupulous suppression, arrests, and persecution have not only been carried out against house church Christians.


God's Love Be Extolled Forevermore

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,

  • God's Love Be Extolled Forevermore
  • I
  • What do You ask for
  • as You bear great humiliation?
  • Who do You labor and worry for?
  • Hurrying here and there
  • to carry out God's will,
  • You think only of this work.


Finally Seeing Who Are the Pharisees Today on My Path of Welcoming the Lord

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,
By Hanmei, Myanmar
The Wonderful Surprise of the Lord’s Return
In June 2017, I got to know Sister Liu and Brother Duan, both in Germany on Facebook, and through my communication with them I saw that they were genuine and modest people. They had a very pure understanding of the scripture and the content they shared in fellowship really contained light and was very beneficial for me.


2019 Christian Movie "The Sun Never Sets on Integrity" | Based on a True Story (English Dubbed)

2019 Christian Movie "The Sun Never Sets on Integrity" | Based on a True Story (English Dubbed) | Eastern Lightning

Wang Xinyu and her husband run a clothing shop, and though at first they try to operate their store with integrity and conscience, they don't earn much money, and their lives are very difficult. But when they see their peers who rely on lying and deception to do business buying cars and houses and living lavish lives, they decide they don't want to be left behind.


The Necessary Knowledge of God’s Work in the Age of Grace

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,
Sermons and Fellowship
If we are able to earnestly ponder Almighty God’s words that reveal the significance and essence of God’s work in the Age of Grace, we will be entirely able to recognize that the Lord Jesus’ work in the Age of Grace was the work of redemption, and it was the work of atonement for corrupt mankind. The Lord Jesus’ words and work in the Age of Grace all centered around the work of redemption, and it was all to have people accept Jesus as their Savior, come in front of God to acknowledge all of their sins, gain God’s forgiveness, and be able to rely upon God’s grace to live in front of Him.


God's Love Is Most Real

  • A Hymn of God's Words
  • God's Love Is Most Real
  • I
  • God's conquering work on you,
  • such great salvation it is.
  • Every one of you
  • is full of sin and licentiousness.
  • Now you see God face to face.
  • He chastises and judges.
  • You get His great salvation.
  • You receive His greatest love.
  • All God does is from His love.


A Pastor’s Spiritual Confession

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,
Christopher    the Philippines
My name is Christopher. I’m a pastor of a house church in the Philippines. I was fortunate to turn to the Lord through baptism in 1987. Then in 1996, I became a pastor of my local church. At that time, in addition to working in many places in the Philippines, I preached overseas, such as Hong Kong and Malaysia. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I felt an unfailing strength all over to work for the Lord.


What Should I Do After My Husband Has an Affair? (Part 1)

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,
By Shiji
Romance novels were my companions as I grew up. Whenever I read stories about male and female protagonists swearing to uphold their love and going through untold hardships before finally achieving their desires, I was always moved to tears. From that time on, such ideas as “till death do us part” and “love is supreme” became deeply rooted in my heart, and I began to yearn for the kind of sincere love that I found in these novels, to look forward to having a happy and blissful marriage, and to long to be able to find a life-long partner in the future.


Gripping the Bands of Love in Despair

Almighty God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
Before I got married to my husband, he caught a rare incurable sequela, severe sinus bradycardia, after a serious disease. As he grew older, his heartbeat grew ever slower. After marriage, his condition worsened increasingly, and he developed dizziness, widespread limpness, chest pain with his lips cyanotic due to severe insufficiency of blood supply.


Whom Do You Actually Believe in?

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,
Liu Xiangming
One day, two brothers, my wife, and I had a meeting at our home. We were watching a film of the Church of Almighty God, Rapture in Peril, on the computer.
After we finished it, my wife was overwhelmed by emotion, saying, “This film is really so great. It thoroughly exposes the substance of God’s believers worshiping man and looking up to man. And it indeed sounds warnings for those who believe in God but in essence follow man and obey man.”


“Peace, Not Persecution”— A Torchlight Procession for Peace in Italy

“Peace, Not Persecution”— A Torchlight Procession for Peace in Italy | Eastern Lightning

In recent years, the number of refugees displaced by war and religious persecution has reached its highest level since World War II, and among them are Christians of The Church of Almighty God (CAG) fleeing persecution in China. The outlook for their asylum applications in foreign countries is bleak, and some are even in danger of being repatriated anytime. This state of affairs has attracted concern from many international human rights organizations and has even been called “an international humanitarian crisis” by western academics. On January 18, 2019, a Torchlight Procession for Peace took place in Rho, Milan in Italy. This procession was jointly organized by the Council of Migrants of the Municipality of Rho, the Mayors of the Pact of North West, and the Association of Voluntary Italian Blood Donors (AVIS). CAG Christians attended the procession together with volunteers from other associations, calling for world peace for the sake of refugees and immigrants as a result of war, their religious beliefs or other reasons.


Seeing Through the Facts, I Have Discernment of the CCP’s Rumors

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,
By Lijing, China
“Mom, you are not to believe in God anymore. Just look at what it says online!”
“You mustn’t believe what the Chinese government says. They are all just rumors and falsehoods …”
“Even the news reports these things, and you still want to believe in it?”
Whenever I remember that time a few years ago, when I believed the CCP’s rumors and tried to stop my mom believing in God, when I was guarded against the brothers and sisters and tried to sound them out, I feel extreme remorse. At the same time, I’m filled with gratitude for God’s love that never left me, as it was this love that enabled me to see through the rumors and return before God. As I think about it now, every scene of those past events plays over in my mind …



We have determined that Almighty God is the second coming of the Lord Jesus. Then may we ask, can those religious believers who died before Almighty God does the judgment work of the last days be able to enter the kingdom of heaven and have eternal life?

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,
Relevant Words of God:
Mankind’s existence is predicated upon the incarnation of soul in turn. In other words, each person gains a human life of the flesh upon the incarnation of their soul. After a person’s body is born, that life continues until the greatest limit of the flesh, that is, the final moment when the soul leaves its shell. This process repeats again and again with a person’s soul coming and going, and coming and going, thus maintaining the existence of all mankind. The life of flesh is also the life of man’s soul, and man’s soul supports the existence of man’s flesh. That is to say, each person’s life comes from their soul; it is not their flesh that originally had life. Therefore, man’s nature comes from their soul, not from their flesh.
from “A Very Serious Problem: Betrayal (2)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh


2019 Christian Worship Music "All the Way in Your Company" | Thank You Lord for Leading Me

The Church of Almighty God | 2019 Christian Worship Music "All the Way in Your Company" | Thank You Lord for Leading Me
I was like a boat, adrift on the sea. You chose me, and to a haven You led me. Now in Your family, warmed by Your love, I am all at peace. You bless me, give Your words of judgment. Still how I fail to cherish Your grace. Often rebelling, somehow hurting Your heart. Yet You don't treat me by my sins but work for my salvation. When I'm distant, You call me back from danger. When I rebel, You hide Your face, darkness wrapping me. When I come back to You, You show mercy, smile to embrace. When Satan scourges me, You heal my wounds, warm my heart. When the devil hurts me, You're with me through the trial. Dawn will soon appear, and skies will shine blue as before, when You're there with me. Dawn will soon appear, and skies will shine blue as before, when You're there with me.

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