
Offer Songs of Praise to God - A Cappella “Love the Practical God With All Our Heart” (Music Video)

Eastern Lightning | The Church of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “Almighty God”—in China, and it isn't established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

Love the Practical God With All Our Heart

La … la la la … la la la….
La … la la la … la la la … la….
The sun of righteousness is rising from the East.
O God! Your glory fills the heaven and earth.
Beautiful darling, Your love surrounds my heart.
People who pursue the truth all love God.
Though I rise alone in the early morning, I feel enjoyment when meditating on God’s word.
The tender words are like a loving mother, the words of judgment like a severe father. (Hey….)
I love nothing in the world; with all my heart I only love my God.
Ah hey … ah hey … ah hey … ah hey….
I love nothing in the world; with all my heart I only love my God.
Ah hey … ah hey … ah hey … ah hey….
I love nothing in the world; with all my heart I only love my God.

La la la … la la la….
La la la … la la la … la….
God’s will has been revealed—to perfect the true lovers of God.
Lively and innocent people all offer up praises to God,
and dance beautiful dances around the true God together.
People are called back by God’s voice from different places.
Words of life are bestowed upon us. We are purified by the judgment of God’s words.
Our love is strengthened through refinement. We feel sweet to enjoy God’s love. (Hey….)
Who would not love the lovely God? With all my heart I only love the practical God.
Ah hey … ah hey … ah hey … ah hey….
Who would not love the lovely God? With all my heart I only love my God.
Ah hey … ah hey … ah hey … ah hey….
Who would not love the lovely God? With all my heart I only love my God.
I love nothing in the world; with all my heart I only love my God.
Thank You! (Thank You!) (Thank You!) (Thank You!)
We love You!

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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