
God's Love Be Extolled Forevermore

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,

  • God's Love Be Extolled Forevermore
  • I
  • What do You ask for
  • as You bear great humiliation?
  • Who do You labor and worry for?
  • Hurrying here and there
  • to carry out God's will,
  • You think only of this work.


Finally Seeing Who Are the Pharisees Today on My Path of Welcoming the Lord

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,
By Hanmei, Myanmar
The Wonderful Surprise of the Lord’s Return
In June 2017, I got to know Sister Liu and Brother Duan, both in Germany on Facebook, and through my communication with them I saw that they were genuine and modest people. They had a very pure understanding of the scripture and the content they shared in fellowship really contained light and was very beneficial for me.


The Effect of True Prayer

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,

  • A Hymn of God's Words
  • The Effect of True Prayer
  • I
  • Walk in honesty,
  • and pray that you will be
  • rid of deep deception in your heart.
  • Pray, to cleanse yourself;
  • pray, be touched by God.
  • Then your disposition
  • will be changed.


The Story of Genesis: What Was God’s Will Behind Adam Naming the Animals?

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,
By Lin Li
The Bible says: “And out of the ground Jehovah God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them: and whatever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field” (Genesis 2:19–20).


2019 Christian Movie "The Sun Never Sets on Integrity" | Based on a True Story (English Dubbed)

2019 Christian Movie "The Sun Never Sets on Integrity" | Based on a True Story (English Dubbed) | Eastern Lightning

Wang Xinyu and her husband run a clothing shop, and though at first they try to operate their store with integrity and conscience, they don't earn much money, and their lives are very difficult. But when they see their peers who rely on lying and deception to do business buying cars and houses and living lavish lives, they decide they don't want to be left behind.


The Necessary Knowledge of God’s Work in the Age of Grace

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,
Sermons and Fellowship
If we are able to earnestly ponder Almighty God’s words that reveal the significance and essence of God’s work in the Age of Grace, we will be entirely able to recognize that the Lord Jesus’ work in the Age of Grace was the work of redemption, and it was the work of atonement for corrupt mankind. The Lord Jesus’ words and work in the Age of Grace all centered around the work of redemption, and it was all to have people accept Jesus as their Savior, come in front of God to acknowledge all of their sins, gain God’s forgiveness, and be able to rely upon God’s grace to live in front of Him.


God's Love Is Not Possessed by Any Created Being

  • The Hymn of God's Word
  • God's Love Is Not Possessed
  • by Any Created Being
  • I
  • The words of God are full of life,
  • offering us the path
  • we should walk,
  • the comprehension
  • of what the truth is.

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