
I Have Come Home (Part 1)

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,

By Chu Keen Pong, Malaysia
God’s Wonderful Orchestration and Guidance
I have believed in the Lord for more than ten years and served in the church for two years, then left the church to go abroad for work. I have been to many places including Singapore and have earned a lot of money, but in this existence in modern society, where the strong prey on the weak, and where people compete with and scheme against each other, where each person tries to outdo the other in treachery, I have faced innumerable complex interpersonal relations and was always on my guard against others. They were also on their guard against me, and this gave me the feeling the whole time in the depths of my heart that I couldn’t find any stable ground to stand on.


Why Did God Work Through the Spirit in the Age of Law?

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,

The initial work of the three stages of God’s work was done directly by the Spirit, and not by the flesh. The final work of the three stages of God’s work, however, is done by the incarnate God, and not directly by the Spirit. The work of redemption of the intermediary stage was also done by God in the flesh. Throughout the entire management work, the most important work is man’s salvation from the influence of Satan.


I Enjoyed a Rich Banquet

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning
June 25 and 26 were unforgettable days. Our Zhejiang region experienced a huge event, with most region leaders and workers seized by the great red dragon. Only a few of us escaped unscathed and, our hearts full of gratitude, we made a secret oath to God: to cooperate well with the work to follow. Subsequently we started the hectic work of dealing with the aftermath. And after almost a month, the arrangements were approaching completion. That month was a hot one, and while we suffered physically our hearts were content, as our work proceeded smoothly right under the nose of the great red dragon. When the work was complete I unwittingly found myself in a state of self-satisfaction, thinking how clever I was to have arranged the work so well. What a capable worker I was! And it was at this time that God visited His chastisement and judgment upon me …


Kingdom Anthem (II) God Has Come and God Reigns

At this beautiful moment, at this exciting time, the heavens above and all under heaven now praise. Who would not be excited for this? Who would not rejoice for this? Who would not weep on this occasion? Who would not weep on this occasion? Ay …


Why Did God Work in Israel in the Age of Law?

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning
The work that Jehovah did in the Israelites established among humanity God’s earthly place of origin, His sacred place where He was present. He confined His work to the Israelite people. At first, He did not work outside of Israel; instead, He chose a people He found suitable in order to restrict the scope of His work. Israel is the place where God created Adam and Eve, and out of the dust of that place Jehovah made man; it is the base of His work on earth. The Israelites, who are the descendants of Noah and of Adam, were the foundation of Jehovah’s work on earth.


Knowing the Purpose and Significance of Each of the Three Stages of God’s Work

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning
(1) The aim and significance of God’s work in the Age of Law
Relevant Words of God:
The work that Jehovah did upon the Israelites established among humanity God’s earthly place of origin, which was also the sacred place where He was present. He confined His work to the people of Israel. At first, He did not work outside of Israel; instead, He chose a people He found suitable in order to restrict the scope of His work. Israel is the place where God created Adam and Eve, and out of the dust of that place Jehovah made man; this place became the base of His work on earth. The Israelites, who were the descendants of Noah and also the descendants of Adam, were the human foundation of Jehovah’s work on earth.


English Christian Song "God's Love Has Melted My Heart" | The Love of God Never Leaves Us

English Christian Song "God's Love Has Melted My Heart" | The Love of God Never Leaves Us Hearing Your kind call, I return before You. Your words enlighten, I see my corruption. I I’ve often been cold to You, hurt and saddened You, hard-hearted, rebelled, left You alone. Why is Your love for man repaid with pain? I hate my hard heart and my deep corruption. Filthy, unworthy to see You, of Your love. I am such a rebellious person, how could I know Your heart, see Your love? Your love is so real, I owe You so much. You keep me company when I’m chastised. Your heart aches with love when I’m refined. When I’m sad, You’re there. What I lack, You give. Facing Your love, my heart wants to break. Your love has melted my frozen heart, and now I have had a change of heart. II For whom have You become flesh and been so shamed? You suffer man’s rejection, but You have never complained about the desolation of life among man. You came from heaven with no place to rest Your head. You’ve never enjoyed worldly pleasures. You quietly express the truth, just so to save people and to gain their hearts. You keep me company when I’m chastised. Your heart aches with love when I’m refined. When I’m sad, You’re there. What I lack, You give. Facing Your love, my heart wants to break. Your love has melted my frozen heart, and now I have had a change of heart. III How can I keep waiting, keep on delaying? I’ll care for Your will, repay Your love. I’ll accept refinement and endure pain and stand testimony to satisfy You. You awoke my heart to love and live for You. I’ll pursue truth, live by Your word. I wish to love You and follow You, and bear witness for You forever and ever. You keep me company when I’m chastised. Your heart aches with love when I’m refined. When I’m sad, You’re there. What I lack, You give. Facing Your love, my heart wants to break. Your love has melted my frozen heart, and now I have had a change of heart, and now I have had a change of heart. from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs
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