
Why Will the Unbelievers Cry Out to God for Help?

Here is a story:
One day in South America, a preacher suddenly heard someone crying for help when he walked through the woods. Then, he ran quickly toward where the sound came from. He ran to the riverside and saw a man sitting in a boat. The current was very swift, and not far away was a waterfall. If no one rescued him, that man would definitely be washed down the waterfall. The preacher heard that man still shouting desperately, “God! Save me! Save me!”
The preacher thought of an idea and saved him, and that man was very grateful to him. The next day the preacher saw hundreds of people gathering in one place, and a man was talking in the middle. He was curious, so he went forward to listen to what that man was talking about. To his surprise, the man who was talking was the person saved by him the day before. The man was talking about the issue of faith, and he also gave many examples to prove that there was no God in the world.
At the end of his talk, he added, “I have already listed so many reasons. If anyone has different opinions, please feel free to speak.”
At that time, the preacher stepped up and said, “I won’t counter or make any reasons. I just want to tell you a story. Yesterday when I walked through the woods across from this place, I heard someone crying for help, ‘O God! God! Please save me! Save me!’ Later, I found a man sitting in the boat, while the current was very swift, and near him there was a waterfall. Seeing the man was in danger, I managed to save him and send him out of the woods. Now I want to introduce a person to all of you: The man who called out to God for help yesterday is this gentleman who gives many reasons to prove there is no God in the world. Why will the unbeliever cry out to God for help? Let’s ask him.”
About the question of whether there is God or not, everyone has their own opinion. But when they are in danger, many people, even those who have no feeling for God’s existence, find that they will also cry out to God. When they feel themselves cornered, they are desirous to seek help from God. But after that, they will think it may happen by chance.
Maybe man’s “instinct” to cry out to God for help at the crucial moment is usually covered by many things. But when we come to a dead end, it will come out from the bottom of our hearts.
After reading this story, I fell into a deep meditation: Why will the unbelievers cry out to God for help? Why will people cry out to God only when they are in the desperate situation, but deny God when in favorable circumstances? Concerning this question, we can find the answer in Almighty God’s words.
Almighty God says, “Human knowledge is not merely simple sentences or formulas. It contains some things, some viewpoints, some poisons. Each kind of knowledge has its poisons. The content of each kind of knowledge has its malignant tumors in it. If one learns and grasps these things of malignant tumors, they will enter one’s heart, and one will be corrupted and taken captive by such knowledge. So, the more knowledge one learns and grasps, the more difficult it is for one to believe in God’s existence, and the more likely one will deny God’s existence. This is because knowledge is materialistic, it is about teaching you to study and grasp all that is visible and touchable in the world, and it is hostile toward God. … Knowledge will lead man into destruction and bring man into hell. Do you know it?” (from Christ’s Talks with Church Leaders and Workers) Because man was created by God, there is a God in everybody’s heart. The ancients said, “Have come to a dead end and so pray to the Lord,” and people always say, “Every cloud has a silver lining,” “There are gods three feet above our head.” From these, we can see that man all believe in God in the depth of their hearts. Especially when people are driven to desperation and have no way out, they will cry out to God for help instinctively. But the “many things,” mentioned in the word “Maybe man’s ‘instinct’ to cry out to God for help at the crucial moment is usually covered by many things,” include the knowledge we learnt to deny God, such as materialism, the theory of evolution and so on. Under the education and influence of various culture and knowledge, people become more and more distant from God and deny God, so that they do their utmost to deny God’s existence at the same time of enjoying the supplying, nourishing, leading and blessing of God. This is the true reason why people cry out to God for help when they have no way to go.

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