
God Himself, the Unique X

God Is the Source of Life for All Things (IV)

Today, we are communing a special topic. For each and every one of you, there are only two main things that you need to know, experience and understand—and what are these two things?
The first is people’s personal entry into life, and the second relates to knowing God. Today I give you a choice: Choose one. Would you like to hear about a topic that relates to people’s personal life experience, or would you like to hear one about knowing God Himself? And why do I give you such a choice? Because, today, I have in mind to commune some new things to you about knowing God. But, irrespective, I’ll first let you choose between the two things that I just spoke of. (I choose the one about knowing God.) (We think that communing the knowledge of God is better, too.) Do you think what we’ve been communing recently about knowing God is attainable? (When God held the first communion, we didn’t feel it was. After that, God held several more communions, and when we went back over the first communion, in the environments created by God, the brothers and sisters paid attention to experiencing in this area.) It’s fair to say that it is beyond most people’s reach. You might not be convinced by these words. Why do I say this? Because when you were listening to what I was saying before, regardless of how I said it, or with what words, when you heard it, literally and theoretically you were aware of what I was saying, but a very serious issue with you was, you didn’t understand why I said these things, why I spoke of these topics. This is the crux of the issue. And so, though hearing these things added to and enriched your understanding of God and His deeds, why are you still having trouble knowing God? The reason is this: After hearing what I said, most of you don’t understand why I said this, and what connection it has to knowing God. Is this not so? What does your inability to understand its connection to knowing God relate to? Have you ever thought about this? Perhaps you haven’t. The reason you don’t understand these things is because your life experience is too superficial. If people’s knowledge and experience of God’s words remain at a very shallow level, then most of their knowledge of God will be vague and abstract—it will be rudimental, doctrinal, and theoretical. In theory, it appears or sounds logical and reasonable, but the knowledge of God that comes out of most people’s mouths is empty. And why do I say that it is empty? Because, in fact, in your hearts you are not clear about whether the words about knowing God that come from your mouths are right or not, whether they are accurate or not. And so, even though most people have heard a lot of information and topics about knowing God, their knowledge of God has yet to go beyond theory and vague and abstract doctrine.
So how can this problem be solved? Have you ever thought about that? If someone doesn’t pursue the truth, can they be possessed of reality? (They can’t.) Right. They certainly cannot. If someone doesn’t pursue the truth, then they are unquestionably without reality, and so they definitely have no knowledge or experience of God’s words. And can those who do not know God’s words know God? Absolutely not! The two are interconnected. Thus, most people say, “How could knowing God be so hard? Why is it so difficult? Why can I say nothing of the knowledge of God?” When you speak of knowing yourself you can go on for hours, but when it comes to knowing God you’re lost for words. Even when you can say a little, it is forced, and sounds dull—it even sounds awkward to you when you hear yourself saying it. This is the source. If you feel that knowing God is too difficult, that it’s very strenuous for you, that you have nothing to speak of—nothing real to commune and provide to others, and to provide to yourself—then this proves that you are not someone who has experienced God’s words. What are God’s words? Are God’s words not the expression of what God has and is? If you have not experienced God’s words, could you have any knowledge of what God has and is? Surely not, right? These things are all interconnected. If you have no experience of God’s words, then you cannot grasp God’s will, and won’t know what His disposition is, what He likes, what He loathes, what His requirements are for man, what His attitude toward those who are good is, and toward those who are evil—all of this will certainly be ambiguous and obscure to you. If you believe in God amid such obscurity, when you say you are one of those who pursues the truth and follows God, are these words realistic? They are not! So, now, make your choice: Which topic do you choose today? (Entry into life and one’s personal experience of life.) (We choose entry into life.) Which area of topics do you lack about entry into life? Is your heart telling you anything? You still don’t know, do you? What topic do the other brothers and sisters choose? Do you wish to hear about the knowledge of God, or about life experience? (We wish to hear about knowing God.) (Knowing God.) Alright, most of you have chosen knowing God. So let us continue to commune about the knowledge of God.
You’re all eager to hear the topic we’ll be communing today, right? The topic we’re communing today also relates to the topic of “God is the source of life for all things” that we’ve been talking about recently. We’ve held several talks about “God is the source of life for all things,” the aim of which was to use different means and perspectives to inform people how God rules over all things, by what means He rules over all things, and by what principles He manages all things, so that they might exist on this planet that God created. We also talked a lot about how God provides for mankind: by what means God provides to mankind, what kind of living environment He provides to mankind, and by what means and impetus He provides a stable living environment for man. Although I did not speak directly of the relationship between God’s dominion over all things, His administration of all things, and His management, I indirectly spoke of why He administers all things in this way, and why He provides to and nourishes mankind in this way—all of which relates to God’s management. The content we spoke of was very wide-ranging: from the macro environment to much smaller things like people’s basic necessities and diet; from how God rules over all things and makes them operate in an orderly fashion, to the right and proper living environment He created for the people of every color, and so on. This extensive content all relates to how man lives in the flesh. Which is to say, it all relates to things of the material world that are visible to the naked eye, and which people can feel, for example, mountains, rivers, oceans, plains…. These are all things that can be seen and touched. When I talk of air and temperature, you can use your breath to directly feel the existence of air, and your body to sense whether the temperature is high or low. The trees, grass, and the birds and beasts in the forests, the things that fly in the sky, and walk the land, and the various little animals that emerge from burrows, can all be seen with people’s own eyes and heard with their own ears. Though the scope of such things is vast, among all things they represent only the material world. To people, what are the things that they can see? They are material things. Material things are what people can see and feel, which is to say, when you touch them, you will sense them, and when your eyes see them, your brain will present you with an image, a picture. They are things that are real and actual; to you they are not abstract, but have a shape and form; they may be square, or round, or tall or short, big or small; and each gives you a different impression. All these things represent that part of all things which is the material world. And so, what do the “all things” in “God’s dominion over all things” include to God? They don’t just include the things that people can see and touch, but, moreover, that which is invisible and impalpable. This is one of the true meanings of God’s dominion over all things. Even though these things are invisible and impalpable to people, they are also facts that actually exist. To God, as long as they can be observed by His eyes and are within the scope of His sovereignty, they actually exist. Even though, to mankind, they are abstract and unimaginable—and even though, moreover, they are invisible and impalpable—to God they actually and really exist. Such is the other world of all the things that God rules over, and it is another part of the scope of all the things that He rules over. This is the topic that we’re communing today—how God rules and administers the spiritual world. Since this topic covers how God rules and manages all things, it relates to the world outside of the material world—the spiritual world—and thus it is of the utmost necessity for us to understand it. Only after having communed and understood this content can people genuinely understand the true meaning of the words “God is the source of life for all things.” And the aim of this topic is to complete the theme of “God rules over all things, and God manages all things.” Perhaps, when you hear this topic, it may feel strange or unbelievable to you—but regardless of how you feel, since the spiritual world is one part of all the things ruled by God, you must learn something of this topic. After you do, you will have a deeper appreciation, understanding and knowledge of the words “God is the source of life for all things.”

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