
Gospel Music "In the Age of Kingdom God Perfects Man by Words" | God's Word Is the Bread of Life

The Church of Almighty God | Gospel Music "In the Age of Kingdom God Perfects Man by Words" | God's Word Is the Bread of Life | Eastern Lightning

In this age, God’ll realize this among you: that all practice His truth,
that all live out His word and love Him with their hearts.
God’s word is the base of their life.
They all have hearts that fear God.
Through practicing God’s words, they’ll rule and reign with God.
Only God’s word provides man with life.
Only His word can bring man light, pointing out the way of practice.
This is more true in the Age of Kingdom.

God’s words, they govern man. God’s word is food and might.
Feel good when you eat it. Eat not and you’ll find no way to go.
In the Bible, it says: Man shall not live by just bread,
but by the words from God’s mouth.
Now God will realize this in you.
Only God’s word provides man with life.
Only His word can bring man light, pointing out the way of practice.
This is more true in the Age of Kingdom.

Before, man went for days without reading God’s words;
they worked and lived their lives.
But things have changed today, for God governs all by word.
People are judged and perfected, able to enter His kingdom,
all because of His word.
Only God’s word provides man with life.
Only His word can bring man light, pointing out the way of practice.
This is more true in the Age of Kingdom.
Daily drink God’s word. Daily eat God’s word.
Don’t leave the truth in it. And you will be made perfect.

from The Word Appears in the Flesh

Recommended:  Almighty God's Word "Are You a True Believer of God?" | Eastern Lightning

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