
Inquiring Into the Facts


    Synopsis: In view of rumors and slanders spread by the CCP government about the man used by the Holy Spirit in the Church of Almighty God, some people carry out an interview to question closely about the facts.


Host: Xunguang;

Guests: Zhengyi and Xiangming.

    Xunguang: Inquiring Into the Facts pays close attention to the hot topic about which the public care the most with you. In recent years, the rapid development of the Church of Almighty God has attracted widespread attention of countries and the popular media. About this topic which all of us focus on, today we’ve invited two guests from the Church of Almighty God to solve our doubts. Hello, Mr. Zhengyi and Mr. Xiangming.

Zhengyi and Xiangming: Hello, host.

    Xunguang: We all know that, in 1991, the incarnate Almighty God formally began to express the truth and perform His ministry in Mainland China. He has expressed millions of words and done the work of judgment beginning with the house of God. The true believers who thirst for God’s appearance in all denominations and sects, after hearing God’s voice, have recognized that Almighty God is the returned Lord Jesus in the last days and have turned toward Him one after another. In recent years, Almighty God’s kingdom gospel has been spread to many foreign countries and regions, and His words as well as gospel films, videos and articles of testifying about God have been disseminated widely via the Internet, which attracts an increasing number of men to seek and investigate. However, the Church of Almighty God growing stronger day by day triggers the atheistic CCP government’s deep concern and panic. As is known to all, the CCP government has been suppressing and persecuting underground house churches in China, and we frequently hear the news that the believers in the Church of Almighty God are arrested and sentenced by it. We also see a great deal of negative words from its official media, in the midst of which there is a conspicuous condemnation on a man to draw our attention especially.

“In 2000, the Chinese government launched a large-scale, nationwide search, so Zhao XX fled to New York, the United States via Tokyo, Japan. In June, 2001, he submitted an application for political asylum to the American authorities on the grounds of suffering religious persecution. The authorities who were unaware of the truth approved his request.”

    Is it really the case? Considering the CCP’s unsavory reputation of persecuting religious belief and afflicting Christians all along, which is well-known in the international community, in order to avoid listening to its one-sided statement, let’s welcome these two brothers to dig out the truth for us.

Inquiry I

    Xunguang: Almighty God has been working in Mainland China for more than twenty years, and millions of people have turned toward Him. But why does the CCP consume the largest manpower and material resources for solely arresting Zhao XX? It not only offered a reward of more than one million yuan for the capture of him in China, but after he went overseas, it does not give up and dispatches spies to shadow and spy on him and does its utmost to attack him on public media opinion. What kind of person is Zhao XX, whom the CCP has put a lot of efforts to arrest in the Church of Almighty God?


    Zhengyi: Bible-readers are all familiar with that God once ordained Moses to lead the Israelites when he worked in the Age of Law, which created a precedent that God uses man to cooperate with the work of the Holy Spirit. When God incarnate appears and works in the last days, He again ordains a man to lead His chosen people of the churches. Zhao XX is the man He ordains in the Age of Kingdom to be in charge of leading and shepherding all people in the Church of Almighty God, and the man used by the Holy Spirit in the Age of Kingdom. Almighty God says, “The work carried out by the one who is used by God is in order to cooperate with the work of Christ or the Holy Spirit. This man is raised up by God among man, he is there to lead all of God’s chosen ones, and he is also raised up by God in order to do the work of human cooperation. With someone such as this, who is able to do the work of human cooperation, more of God’s requirements toward man and the work that the Holy Spirit must do among man can be achieved through him” (“Concerning God’s Use of Man” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).

    Through Almighty God’s words we can learn that Zhao XX, as the predestined and selected man used by the Holy Spirit when God carries out the work of the last days, is the man who cooperates with God’s work and leads His chosen ones to pursue salvation. He leads and shepherds God’s chosen people totally in compliance with God’s words. Since he began to be responsible for the church’s work, he has issued a good deal of work arrangements as well as fellowship and preaching to help believers enter into the reality of the truth. And he has served as the “translator” as well as the bridge to help us comprehend and receive God’s words. Under his leading, we have possessed a number of real experiences about Almighty God’s words and some practical knowledge of God. Meanwhile, we have seen clearly the facts about our corruption by Satan, and walked on the right way of human life of seeking the transformation of life disposition. Moreover, we have penetrated the atheistic CCP government’s satanic, devilish substance of resisting God frenziedly. After going through its persecution and arrest, we God’s chosen people have possessed real faith in God and have broken through the bondage of the influence of darkness, not enslaved or controlled by the CCP anymore. No matter how serious obstacles or persecution we suffer, we still persevere with our belief in and worship of God. The CCP is very clear that if all the people come to follow God, there will be no one to worship it or believe its atheistic thoughts and communist theory. That will be the time when its desires of making China a place without God and enslaving Chinese people forever are dashed. Hence, it is deeply worried that the man used by the Holy Spirit will bring all mankind before God and extremely afraid that God will reign as King among men. The reason why it frenziedly condemns and hunts the man used by the Holy Spirit is that it wants to ban the Church of Almighty God and God’s work of the last days. But when he went abroad after being persecuted, the CCP cannot arrest him anymore. It doesn’t take its defeat lying down, but spreads various rumors about him and stirs up the antagonism of men toward the Church of Almighty God. Its goal is to hinder man from seeking and investigating God’s work of the last days.

Inquiry II

    Xunguang: The CCP claims that it once mobilized the nationwide policemen to search for the man used by the Holy Spirit in a large-scale way, which makes us feel as if Zhao XX had committed a felony and is a principal criminal. Could Zhao XX, a Christian really break the law? Why is such a man who worships God heart and soul listed as a wanted criminal throughout China?

    Xiangming: As the law stands, the wanted criminal must meet three requirements: 1. The wanted man must be a criminal suspect. 2. The suspect should satisfy the requirements of arrest. 3. The suspect surely shirks the legal liability and his present whereabouts is unknown. Only man who fulfils the above-mentioned requirements can be wanted legitimately and legally. It is obvious that the CCP cannot list any sinful fact of the man used by the Holy Spirit or tell which law he has broken, but just says that he submitted an application for political asylum to the American authorities on the grounds of suffering religious persecution. From it, we understand that the CCP gives orders to arrest him just because he believes in and serves God. The CCP government is quite clear that if the leader of the Church of Almighty God is not eliminated, he will lead and shepherd us, God’s chosen ones all the while to make us better understand the truth and further strengthen our faith in Almighty God and our love for Him. When we all understand the truth and are made overcomers by God, we aren’t restrained or bound by any Satan’s forces anymore and can worship and serve God wholeheartedly, and the CCP will be abandoned thoroughly. Accordingly, it simply ignores the international human rights treaties and the condemnation from the international community, but just stops at nothing to arrest him.

Inquiry III

    Xunguang: All right. We see that the CCP is unable to obtain its desire all the while. After the man used by the Holy Spirit went abroad, it circulates rumors through the media that Zhao XX has already fled abroad. It is incomprehensible to many people how this action, that a Christian went abroad in order to believe in God and preach the gospel seriously because he was wanted by the atheistic government, can be called fleeing. How should we treat this issue?

    Zhengyi: It’s quite simple. Let’s review those apostles and missionaries who preached the Lord’s way throughout the ages, and then we can know the answer.

    In 1583, Matteo Ricci, an Italian missionary, sailed across the ocean to preach in China. At that time, the gospel of the Lord Jesus’ redemption of mankind spread by him was welcomed and esteemed by Chinese scholar-bureaucrats.

    In 1605, Gao Yizhi, an Italian missionary of the Societas Iesu, came to China to preach. He left China in 1616, and at the end of 1624, he returned to Shanxi, China to resume preaching until he passed away.

    In 1853, James Hudson Taylor, a British missionary who was only 21 years old, bade farewell to his parents and came to China to preach the Lord’s way. Since then he had never left China.

    In 1885, Herbert Dixon, a British missionary, in company with his wife, left their four young children behind in England to preach in China until they martyred themselves in Xinzhou, Shanxi in 1900.

    In 1916, Zhong Aihua, an American missionary, came to preach in China, and engaged in medical missionary work for 25 years. He was also one of those who dedicated most of their lives to Chinese Christians.

    For thousands of years, it was precisely these missionaries who crossed borders to spread God’s gospel all over the world. None of the governments of democracies have ever condemned them as fugitives. If we say that preaching the gospel abroad means fleeing, could it be said that all Christian churches are formed by the gospel-spreading of those criminals who flee to escape punishment? And that Christians can believe in God at all times and in all countries is because they accept the gospel preached by fugitives? In order to complete the work of the church and to expand God’s kingdom gospel, the man used by the Holy Spirit went abroad. How could he be related to the word fleeing? Obviously, the CCP’s nonsense is purely the discredit against the Church of Almighty God and the smear against him. For the sake of banning God’s work of the last days, it has told a pack of lies and stops at no evil. Now it is quite reckless of the consequences when speaking and doing things. That it makes up these rumors is, in effect, making an enemy of God as well as Christians at all times and in all places openly. So, none of the words spread by the CCP deserve to be trusted.
Inquiry IV

    Xunguang: What on earth is the true meaning of fleeing? Now that the man used by the Holy Spirit was wanted by the CCP in China, why did he run a risk of going abroad?

    Xiangming: People with some common sense of law are clear that fleeing means that one absconds to avoid punishment after breaking the law and escapes the government’s arrest in a premeditated and planned way. The man used by the Holy Spirit is a man who preaches the gospel to testify to and serve God, yet he, without breaking any law or regulation of the state, is wanted throughout China by the CCP government. Under this circumstance, as a rule, one will choose to hide out, rather than appear rashly at the Chinese customs which is heavily guarded. Nevertheless, the man used by the Holy Spirit took the risk. Unexpectedly, he passed the careful examination of the CCP’s military guard and then left China smoothly. In fact, it was completely God’s care and protection, because what he did followed God’s will.

    Zhengyi: That’s right. Let’s read Almighty God’s words, “You must know that when My work is expanding, I will scatter you, and I will strike you just as Jehovah struck the tribes of Israel. All this will be done so that My gospel may be enlarged over all the earth, so that My work may spread to the Gentile nations. Thus, My name will be magnified by adults and children alike and My holy name will be exalted by the mouths of people from all tribes and nations” (“The Work of Spreading the Gospel Is Also the Work of Saving Man” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). “Let all come before My throne to see My glorious countenance, hear My voice, and watch My deeds. This is the entirety of My will; it is the end and climax of My plan, as well as the purpose of My management. Let every nation worship Me, every tongue acknowledge Me, every man trust Me, and every people be subject unto Me!” (“The Seven Thunders Peal—Prophesying That the Kingdom Gospel Shall Spread Throughout the Universe” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).

spreading the Gospel

    To spread the kingdom gospel to all countries and regions abroad, and to make all nations as well as all peoples return before God’s throne and worship the only true God are the will which God is going to accomplish in the end of His six-thousand-year management plan. The man used by the Holy Spirit going abroad is precisely to carry out His will. Just like in the Age of Law, when God called Moses to bring Israelites out of Egypt, he was fully aware that he had been chased by Egyptian Pharaoh to the wilderness, and that if he returned to Egypt he would surely be in danger. But he deeply knew that it was God’s will for him to return to Egypt, which he must obey. He believed as well that since God had promised to lead Israelites out of Egypt, His promise must be fulfilled. Consequently, he accepted God’s commission and went back to Egypt. God descended ten plagues on Egypt to force the Egyptian Pharaoh to give Moses permission to bring Israelites out of Egypt, and He clove the Red Sea in order that Moses could succeed in leading Israelites out of the hunting of Egyptian soldiers. Ultimately, Moses accomplished God’s will under His leadership and guidance. Similarly, under the circumstances that the man used by the Holy Spirit in the Age of Kingdom was wanted by the CCP, if he was not for following God’s will, and if there were no God’s care and protection, it would be impossible for him to avoid the CCP’s arrest easily and pass the examination of Chinese customs smoothly without any assist from outside forces. Almighty God says, “Of everything that occurs in the universe, there is nothing that I do not have the final say in. What exists that is not in My hands? All that I say goes …” (“The First Utterance” of God’s Utterances to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh). The man used by the Holy Spirit could leave China successfully to shoulder the work of expanding the kingdom gospel abroad. This is entirely God’s sovereignty and arrangement and is led and guided by the Holy Spirit Himself.

Inquiry V

    Xunguang: After your fellowship, the background and the reason for the man used by the Holy Spirit who could avoid the CCP’s arrest and go abroad smoothly are perfectly clear. After he arrived in America and soon got political asylum from the American government, the CCP spread again that the American authorities who were unaware of the facts approved his application for political asylum. Could it be possible that the American government grants one political asylum so casually?

    Zhengyi: The Bible says, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he has chosen for his own inheritance” (Psalms 33:12). One former president of the United States also said, “If we ever forget that we are ‘One nation, under God,’ then we will be one nation gone under.” Hence, America has been respecting for the freedom of belief since its establishment, and its government has been providing political asylum for foreigners who suffer political or religious persecution. According to the American laws, asylum may be granted to people who are unable or unwilling to return their home country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. The immigration office will decide whether or not to offer them political asylum on the basis of their evidences of being persecuted. It is thus evident that the American government has a justified and lawful procedure for examining and approving political asylum applications. That the man used by the Holy Spirit could receive political asylum from the American government shows it acknowledged the fact that he was persecuted by the CCP government. Accordingly, it is also completely legitimate and legal for him to get political asylum.

    Xiangming: In fact, including America, in many countries with relatively sound democracy and legal system, all cases are handled in accordance with the law, the fact, and the evidence. None of the governments of democracies will grant refugee status to an applicant without evidences at random, much less ignore the asylum application submitted by the applicants who are persecuted by the CCP. The CCP slanders that the American authorities granted Zhao XX political asylum because they were unaware of the facts, from which we can see that in order to defame him, the CCP becomes frenzied with anxiety, being desperate and disregarding anything. It would rather flout international human rights regulations and make enemies of all democracies than not discredit him so as to conceal the fact that God has appeared and worked in the last days. It just wants to hinder man from seeking and investigating God’s work of the last days, and ruin man’s opportunity of being saved. This is its real purpose.

    Xunguang: Well, it appears that rumors are not frightful, and the crux is that when facing rumors, one can seek the truth and rely on God to ascertain the fact and see through the rumormonger’s intentions and purposes. Through today’s fellowship and discernment, the CCP’s plots to discredit the Church of Almighty God and to slander the man used by the Holy Spirit are exposed thoroughly, and the facts have floated before our eyes. The Lord Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27). Only if one investigates God’s work and utterance practically, can he see God’s appearance and keep pace with God’s work. Anyone believing rumors blindly may lose his life, while the one seeking and investigating the truth is the most blessed one. God once said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3). My friends, now, do you still believe the CCP’s rumors and refuse to seek and investigate God’s work of the last days?

Thank God for leading our interview. Thank you for watching. See you!

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