
What Should I Do After My Husband Has an Affair? (Part 1)

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,
By Shiji
Romance novels were my companions as I grew up. Whenever I read stories about male and female protagonists swearing to uphold their love and going through untold hardships before finally achieving their desires, I was always moved to tears. From that time on, such ideas as “till death do us part” and “love is supreme” became deeply rooted in my heart, and I began to yearn for the kind of sincere love that I found in these novels, to look forward to having a happy and blissful marriage, and to long to be able to find a life-long partner in the future.


The Age of Grace: The Content and Result of God’s Work

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,
Classic Words of God:
In the Age of Grace, Jesus came to redeem the whole fallen mankind (not only the Israelites). He showed mercy and lovingkindness to man. The Jesus that man saw in the Age of Grace was filled with lovingkindness and was always loving, for He had come to deliver man from sin.


2019 Gospel Song "No One Is Aware of God's Arrival" | The Lord Jesus Has Returned to the World

The Church of Almighty God | 2019 Gospel Song "No One Is Aware of God's Arrival" | The Lord Jesus Has Returned to the World No one’s aware of God’s arrival, no man welcomes His coming. And furthermore, nobody knows all the things He’ll be doing.


Gripping the Bands of Love in Despair

Almighty God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
Before I got married to my husband, he caught a rare incurable sequela, severe sinus bradycardia, after a serious disease. As he grew older, his heartbeat grew ever slower. After marriage, his condition worsened increasingly, and he developed dizziness, widespread limpness, chest pain with his lips cyanotic due to severe insufficiency of blood supply.


Whom Do You Actually Believe in?

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,
Liu Xiangming
One day, two brothers, my wife, and I had a meeting at our home. We were watching a film of the Church of Almighty God, Rapture in Peril, on the computer.
After we finished it, my wife was overwhelmed by emotion, saying, “This film is really so great. It thoroughly exposes the substance of God’s believers worshiping man and looking up to man. And it indeed sounds warnings for those who believe in God but in essence follow man and obey man.”


The Age of Grace: The Aim and Significance of God’s Work

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
Classic Words of God:
In the Age of Grace, man had already undergone Satan’s corruption, and so the work of redeeming all humanity required an abundance of grace, infinite forbearance and patience, and even more, an offering sufficient to atone for humanity’s sins, in order to arrive at its effect. What humanity saw in the Age of Grace was merely My offering of atonement for the sins of humanity, that is, Jesus. All they knew was that God could be merciful and forbearing, and all they saw was Jesus’ mercy and lovingkindness.


“Peace, Not Persecution”— A Torchlight Procession for Peace in Italy

“Peace, Not Persecution”— A Torchlight Procession for Peace in Italy | Eastern Lightning

In recent years, the number of refugees displaced by war and religious persecution has reached its highest level since World War II, and among them are Christians of The Church of Almighty God (CAG) fleeing persecution in China. The outlook for their asylum applications in foreign countries is bleak, and some are even in danger of being repatriated anytime. This state of affairs has attracted concern from many international human rights organizations and has even been called “an international humanitarian crisis” by western academics. On January 18, 2019, a Torchlight Procession for Peace took place in Rho, Milan in Italy. This procession was jointly organized by the Council of Migrants of the Municipality of Rho, the Mayors of the Pact of North West, and the Association of Voluntary Italian Blood Donors (AVIS). CAG Christians attended the procession together with volunteers from other associations, calling for world peace for the sake of refugees and immigrants as a result of war, their religious beliefs or other reasons.

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