
Chinese Christian Prisoner of Conscience Adopted by Congressional Human Rights Commission

On January 29, 2019, the United States Congress’ Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission adopted a prisoner of conscience of The Church of Almighty God (CAG). Her name is Mo Xiufeng. She was sentenced to 9 years for her Christian beliefs, and is being held in prison. Prisoner of conscience are persons imprisoned arbitrarily for their religion, beliefs or other reasons, even though they do not have any criminal acts identified by international human rights organizations.


Seeing Through the Facts, I Have Discernment of the CCP’s Rumors

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,
By Lijing, China
“Mom, you are not to believe in God anymore. Just look at what it says online!”
“You mustn’t believe what the Chinese government says. They are all just rumors and falsehoods …”
“Even the news reports these things, and you still want to believe in it?”
Whenever I remember that time a few years ago, when I believed the CCP’s rumors and tried to stop my mom believing in God, when I was guarded against the brothers and sisters and tried to sound them out, I feel extreme remorse. At the same time, I’m filled with gratitude for God’s love that never left me, as it was this love that enabled me to see through the rumors and return before God. As I think about it now, every scene of those past events plays over in my mind …



What Is Christ? What Is the Difference Between Christ and the Anointed One?

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,
By Xiaojuan
I trust all of us are familiar with the word “Christ”. In the Bible, it has been recorded, “He said to them, But whom say you that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said to him, Blessed are you, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood has not revealed it to you, but My Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 16:15–17). Many people see these verses and say without thinking, “Christ is the incarnate Lord Jesus” or “Christ is the Messiah, the Son of God”, and others say, “Christ is the Son of man” “Christ means the anointed one.” But faced with these claims, some people are puzzled: The prophets, kings, and priests of the Old Testament, were all anointed, so are they also Christs? Just what is Christ?


The Practice of Forsaking the Flesh

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,
  • A Hymn of God's Words
  • The Practice of Forsaking the Flesh
  • I
  • If something happens that
  • requires you to endure hardship,
  • understand and be mindful
  • of God's will at that time.
  • Don't satisfy yourself,
  • put yourself aside.
  • Nothing's more abject than the flesh.
  • You must seek and satisfy God
  • and fulfill your duty.
  • With such thoughts God will bring you
  • special enlightenment in this matter,
  • and your heart will find comfort.


We have determined that Almighty God is the second coming of the Lord Jesus. Then may we ask, can those religious believers who died before Almighty God does the judgment work of the last days be able to enter the kingdom of heaven and have eternal life?

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,
Relevant Words of God:
Mankind’s existence is predicated upon the incarnation of soul in turn. In other words, each person gains a human life of the flesh upon the incarnation of their soul. After a person’s body is born, that life continues until the greatest limit of the flesh, that is, the final moment when the soul leaves its shell. This process repeats again and again with a person’s soul coming and going, and coming and going, thus maintaining the existence of all mankind. The life of flesh is also the life of man’s soul, and man’s soul supports the existence of man’s flesh. That is to say, each person’s life comes from their soul; it is not their flesh that originally had life. Therefore, man’s nature comes from their soul, not from their flesh.
from “A Very Serious Problem: Betrayal (2)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh


2019 Christian Worship Music "All the Way in Your Company" | Thank You Lord for Leading Me

The Church of Almighty God | 2019 Christian Worship Music "All the Way in Your Company" | Thank You Lord for Leading Me
I was like a boat, adrift on the sea. You chose me, and to a haven You led me. Now in Your family, warmed by Your love, I am all at peace. You bless me, give Your words of judgment. Still how I fail to cherish Your grace. Often rebelling, somehow hurting Your heart. Yet You don't treat me by my sins but work for my salvation. When I'm distant, You call me back from danger. When I rebel, You hide Your face, darkness wrapping me. When I come back to You, You show mercy, smile to embrace. When Satan scourges me, You heal my wounds, warm my heart. When the devil hurts me, You're with me through the trial. Dawn will soon appear, and skies will shine blue as before, when You're there with me. Dawn will soon appear, and skies will shine blue as before, when You're there with me.

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