First, Always Pray to God and Live Before God, Thus Actively Staying Away From Temptations
Every corner of this materialistic and money-centered society—particularly fancy hotels, expensive restaurants, KTVs and other entertainment places—is full of Satan’s temptations. Without the capability to overcome sin, we are so envious of those with wealth and power that our desires to make big money and be one of them are stirred up when we see them enjoying their wealth in these places. As a result, money—and the material enjoyment it can bring—fully possesses our hearts and thus our hearts stray farther and farther from God. So as Christians, we should always pray to God and ask Him to protect us so we can live before Him and can actively stay away from people, events and things that might tempt us. This is especially necessary for those who have small statures spiritually. Just as the Bible says, “A prudent man foresees the evil, and hides himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished” (Pro 22:3). And God’s words also say, “Do not come into contact with things that can draw your heart away to the outside, and do not come into contact with people who can draw your heart away from God. Drop whatever it is that can distract your heart from being close to God, or stay away from it. That way is more beneficial to your life.” From these words we can see that actively staying away from temptations is a wise choice.