
What Is the Difference Between God's Judgment Work in the Last Days and the Work of the Lord Jesus?

Some people believe that after the Lord Jesus resurrected and ascended to heaven, the Holy Spirit descended to work on man on the day of Pentecost. He reproved the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment. When we receive the work of the Holy Spirit and repent to the Lord for our sins, we are experiencing the Lord's judgment. The work done by the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost should be the judgment work of God in the last days. Are we correct in the way we receive it? What is the difference between the work of the Lord Jesus and the judgment work of Almighty God in the last days?


Resolving the “Cold War” Makes My Life Even Happier!

Resolving the “Cold War” Makes My Life Even Happier!

Tian Yu
When I got married, my family advised me that “All lay loads on the willing horse,” that after marriage, I must be in charge so that I’m not taken advantage of, so that my life will be fulfilled and happy. So, after marriage, I always wanted to be in charge and that whatever I said would go. In the beginning, my husband would consult me for all matters big and small in our home. But as time went on, he would often not consult with me, but do things according to his will. Because of this, I felt rather unhappy. I felt that my husband didn’t take me seriously. I thought, “If things continue like this, I wouldn’t have a place to stand on in this family.” In order that I could be in charge, I would often sulk and ignore my husband until he softened and said nice things to me, and things only ended when I was satisfied.


Loving God and Living For God | Best Christian Music Video | "Our Life Is Not in Vain" (A Cappella)

Loving God and Living For God | Best Christian Music Video | "Our Life Is Not in Vain" (A Cappella)

Our life is not in vain. Our life is not in vain. Today we meet with God, experience His work. We’ve known God in flesh, practical and real. We’ve seen His work, awesome and wondrous. Each day of our life is not in vain. We affirm Christ as the truth and life. Grasping and embracing this mystery. Our feet are on the brightest path to life. No longer searching, all is clear to us. God, we’ll love You always without regret. We’ve found the truth, eternal life we will gain. Our life is not in vain, it’s not in vain. Our life is not in vain. Our life is not in vain.


Breaking Through Satan’s Tight Encirclement (Part 2)

Breaking Through Satan’s Tight Encirclement (Part 2)

Zhao Gang
My wife told the sisters what Brother Guan had said to us when he came to our house, and Sister Zhang asked me how I felt about this whole thing. So I told the sisters about the weakness that I was feeling and about the knowledge that I had just come across. Sister Zhang smiled, saying: “Thanks be to God! This is such a pure understanding, this is God’s guidance!” My wife asked, confused, “Since we haven’t made any missteps, why is Brother Guan saying those things? He is a major leader who has believed in the Lord for many years!” I looked at my wife and said: “Hey, he just wants us to come back to our former church!” Sister Zhang smiled, saying: “Right now all that we are looking at is their outward appearance, but we haven’t looked into the substance of their nature!


81. Embarking on the Path of Belief in God

Embarking on the Path of Belief in God

Rongguang    Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province
In 1991, by the grace of God, I began to follow Almighty God because of an illness. At that time I didn’t know anything about believing in God, but the interesting thing is that, when eating and drinking of the words expressed by Almighty God, I enjoyed it. I felt that His words were so good, and when I sang or prayed I was frequently moved by the Holy Spirit to the point of weeping. That sweetness in my heart, that enjoyment was as if a joyous event had come upon me. Particularly in get-togethers during the great work of the Holy Spirit, I felt as if I had transcended the flesh and I was living in the third heaven, that everything belonging to the world had been cast to the winds. I can’t say how joyful, how happy I was in my heart. I felt that I was the happiest person in the world. So at that time I believed that believing in God was just enjoying His grace.


The Lord Is in China | Praise the Salvation of the Incarnate God | "Gospel Choir 16th Performance"

The Lord Is in China | Praise the Salvation of the Incarnate God | "Gospel Choir 16th Performance"

Songs Of Choir
1. The Essentiality of God’s Incarnation
2. God Descends With Judgment

1. The Essentiality of God’s Incarnation
The flesh of man has been corrupted by Satan, and most deeply blinded, and profoundly harmed. The most fundamental reason why God works personally in the flesh is because the object of His salvation is man, who is of the flesh, and because Satan also uses the flesh of man to disturb the work of God.


Christian Video | "I Find the Right Path of Life" | Only the Honest Can Enter the Kingdom of Heaven

Christian Video | "I Find the Right Path of Life" | Only the Honest Can Enter the Kingdom of Heaven

Zhen Cheng was the owner of an appliance repair shop. He was kind, honest, and did business by the book. He would never try to pull the wool over someone's eyes, but he was only making enough money to barely support his family. After a time, a family member and a fellow tradesman urged him to practice the unwritten rules of business, and Zhen Cheng began to believe in sayings that represent a satanic philosophy such as: "A man without a second income will never get rich just like a horse starved of hay at night will never put on weight," "The bold die of gluttony; the timid die of starvation," "Money isn't everything, but without it, you can do nothing," and "Money is first."

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