
Praise the Coming of God | Christian Song | "The Kingdom Anthem III All People, Shout for Joy"

Praise the Coming of God | Christian Song | "The Kingdom Anthem III All People, Shout for Joy"

All people regain their sight in God's light. All people enjoy good things in God's word. Setting forth from the East, God shines His glorious light and all nations are lit up.


Praise Song "Through Thick and Thin, Faithful Till Death"

The Church of Almighty God | Praise Song "Through Thick and Thin, Faithful Till Death" | Eastern Lightning

From heaven to the earth, hiding in the flesh. Working among men, through winds and rains. Taking a rough path, open a new age. To redeem mankind, lay down Your life and shed blood. Wind and rain, so many years. Forsaken by every man. Humble and hidden, enduring all along. Humble and hidden, enduring all along.


God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique (III) God’s Authority (II)" (Part Three)

God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique (III) God’s Authority (II)" (Part Three)


God’s words in this video are from the book “Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh”.

The content of this video:

Progeny: The Fifth Juncture

1. One has no control over what becomes of one’s offspring

2. After raising the next generation, people gain a new understanding of fate

3. Believing in fate is no substitute for a knowledge of the Creator’s sovereignty

4. Only those who submit to the Creator’s sovereignty can attain true freedom

Almighty God's Word "What a Real Man Means" | The Church of Almighty God

Almighty God's Word "Are You a True Believer of God?" | Eastern Lightning


Christians of The Church of Almighty God Will Be Brutally Persecuted by the CCP Once Repatriated

Christians of The Church of Almighty God Will Be Brutally Persecuted by the CCP Once Repatriated

On January 4, 2018, according to the U.S. State Department, pursuant to the 1998 International Religious Freedom Act, China is re-designated as a "Country of Particular Concern." This is the nineteenth consecutive year that China is included in the "Country of Particular Concern" list.


Christian Music Video | Live in the Light | "The Prayer of God’s People"

Christian Music Video | Live in the Light | "The Prayer of God’s People"

God’s people are raised before His throne, many prayers in their hearts. 
God blesses all who return to Him; they all live in the light. 
Pray the Holy Spirit enlightens God’s word that we fully know God’s will. 
May all people cherish God’s word and come seeking to know God. 
May God give us more of His grace, so our dispositions can change. 


Gospel Movie clip "The Moment of Change" (2) - The Only Path to Be Raised Into the Kingdom of Heaven

Some people believe, since God was able to create the heavens and earth and all things with one word, able to raise the dead with one word, God will also be able to transform our images instantly, make us holy, lift us into the air to meet with the Lord when He returns in the last days. Is it really so to be raised into the kingdom of heaven? Is the work of God's return in the last days as simple as we imagine? God says, "You must realize it, and should not oversimplify matters. The work of God is unlike any ordinary work. Its marvel cannot be conceived by the mind of man, and its wisdom cannot be attained by such.


Gospel Movie Clip "The Moment of Change" (1) - How Are Wise Virgins Raptured?

Gospel Movie Clip "The Moment of Change" (1) - How Are Wise Virgins Raptured?

      Some people go by Paul's word on the matter of waiting for the Lord to be raised into the kingdom of heaven: "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." (1Co 15:52). They believe that although we still sin constantly without breaking away from the bondage of sinful nature, the Lord will change our images instantly and bring us into the kingdom of heaven when He comes.

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